About Us

Introduction About Our Institute

An investment made in Oasis School pays may dividends through life. From the moment a child enters the school gate, he gets to realize who he is: and where his potential lies. Irrespective of his background or caliber, he is groomed and nurtured in a way that he can stride into the adult world, confidently, responsibly and independently.
Yet, in today’s world, no institution of repute and quality can afford to sit on it’s laurels. So, a decisive shift is being engineered that will help to gain a global reputation.
In the coming years, the focus will to be on academic excellence, this will help students get into the finest education. Initiatives are also being put in place that will allow students to fit into a rapidly changing world. At the sometime, the school’s bit strength-pedagogy balanced with pastoral care-will be supported in equal measure to enhance the school[‘s standing as the best school.
With all good wishes.
Active Students
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Faculty Courses
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Best Profesors
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Award Achieved


Our Vision
At The Oasis School, we recognize the imperative of imparting an educational experience that is world-class in every respect and which prepares children for global citizenship, We are a school with an Indian mind, an Indian heart and an Indian soul; a school that a curriculum of excellence with a global dimension is central to the education of children to face the challenges of 21st century with confidence and strength of character.

Management Council

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